Thursday, 30 March 2017

Back in the Reading Mood...

So it looks like the last time I did a review was back in January. Unfortunately, that was also the last time I actually sat down and read a book lately. And now March is pretty much over. Seems pretty lame that I haven't been able to read for two months now, but I'm happy to say that I'm about halfway done with the current book I'm reading!

Yay me!

I won't say what book it is yet. You'll just have to wait until I post the review. But stay tuned, because this book is pretty darn interesting.  Let's just say that I'm so glad I am finally reading one of my OwlCrate books. It usually takes me forever to get to them, so I'm very proud of myself for picking it up.

More good news: I have been accepted to be a moderator to a brand new book club on Facebook. The group is called Paperbacks & Peonies and it's such a lovely group. We started on our first book this past Saturday and discussions will be posted between now and April 15th! If you want to join, be sure to search the group on Facebook, and follow our Instagram page @paperbacksandpeonies !

So that's all the update I have for today. Stay tuned for my first review in months.