Thursday, 19 February 2015


Hi everyone! If you're wondering why this looks familiar, it's because it sort of is. I am basically creating my book blog on both platforms - WordPress and Blogger - so that it reaches a bigger audience. For those who have one and not the other, it will be easier to follow my posts without having to switch platforms. This one may be a little more streamlined though, as I will only be posting the synopses of books that I have already read, not books that I plan on reading. So if you're wondering why there are more synopses on my WordPress blog and not on here, don't worry. They will all match up in the end, as long as I continue to read and stay on track. Any questions? Please feel free to leave me any comments on either blog.

Like I promised on my WordPress blog, I promise to read through every single book on my Kindle Fire. Maybe not by the end of this year, or even the end of next year. I have hundreds and hundreds of books just waiting to be read, and the more I hear about other books, the more I end up buying. But I promise to read more, and I promise to engage in discussions with you regarding them. I can't wait to interact with you all and I hope you enjoy my blog.


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