Monday 29 February 2016

Tuesday Talks - What movie adaptions have you enjoyed more than the book?

Hey everyone! Welcome to another segment of Tuesday Talks. Again, for those of you who are curious about what exactly Tuesday Talks is or if you want to start joining in on the discussions, be sure to check out the group Tuesday Talks on GoodReads. If you want, you can even backtrack and do the other topics from the beginning of the year and catch up! It's only been two months so that's not too many posts. Good luck!

What movie adaptions have you enjoyed more than the book?

More than the book... I think one of the movies that I loved so much better than the book was The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I did like the book the second time I read it, but looking back on the first time I tried to read it, I remembered that I couldn't get through it. I don't know why. Maybe because it didn't hit me as much as when I watched it, but I would say that the movie stayed in my heart much more than the book did. Also, when I was watching the movie, I could relate to Carmen way more than her character in the book, even though they were essentially the same person. Also, the movie just made me see things in a different light than when I was reading it.

There aren't a lot of movie adaptions that I like more than their book counterparts. If anything, I like them just as much as I do the book or less, as with The 5th Wave, and Vampire Academy. There are also some movies that I've watched without actually reading the books, like Divergent. Maybe one day I will have another book to add to this list, but for now, the only movie adaption that I like better than the book would the The Sisterhood.

Are there any other movies that you like better than their books? Let me know in the comments below!

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