Tuesday 12 January 2016

Tuesday Talks: Bookish Resolutions for 2016

Hey guys!

I'm here again with another Tuesday Talks, the second one of the year! Can you believe that it's already been two weeks into the New Year? So last year's plan of actually staying on top of this blog really went down the drain and that really sucked, but I'm going to try it again this year. New year, new chance to get things right for once. Good mantra right? Please feel free to leave me some comments so we can have an awesome discussion. You know how I love those, right?

What are your bookish resolutions for 2016?

My main bookish resolution for 2016 is to maintain this blog. Last year, as much as I really wanted to keep this up, real life got in the way and I resorted to keeping track of my reading journey on Instagram. It made it very easy to share my thoughts quickly, and easily. As I eventually bought more paper books and less Kindle books, it made experimenting with my pictures way more fun. Of course, I still need a better camera eventually, and better lighting never hurt anyone, but at least I was keeping track of what I was reading. The only downside with writing quick reviews on Instagram is that I have very limited space to write down my full thoughts. Conveying the message of what made each book so interesting to read or why I wish I stayed away from a certain book in three to five sentences can be challenging. At least it helps me be concise and to the point.

Another bookish resolution I do have for 2016 is to be more active on GoodReads and participate in more buddy reads or group reads. Sometimes it's difficult to stick to the reading schedule when you're trying to read so many books at once, so I think it would be best for me to do one at a time, wait until I finish reading one book with one group before jumping to another one. As much as I would love to spend all day and all night reading books and joining in multiple group discussions, my life is not perfect enough to fulfill this dream. Still, by at least getting more involved in a way where I have a lot more control over what I'm reading and my pace, then I think it can be a lot more enjoyable rather than a daunting task.

This may seem like a very small resolution, but it's a lot right now. It's always good to start small and build your way up along the way. If I can stick with these resolutions this year, then I can make a lot more progress than 2015. I would love to hear some of your bookish resolutions for this year!

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