Tuesday 26 January 2016

Tuesday Talks - New Releases

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to this week's segment of Tuesday Talks. Every week, there is a new topic of discussion that each of us involved in the Tuesday Talks group on GoodReads participates in. We either post a blog post answering the topic or post a video to YouTube. Unfortunately, I don't have the right equipment to make worthwhile videos so I've stuck with writing blog posts for now. Hope you guys like this one, and please feel free to comment and start a discussion with me. That's always fun and will never be turned away!

Name some new releases you are looking forward to.

The newest release that I'm looking forward to is The Siren by Kiera Cass. It just published today and I am dying to hold it in my hands and read it. After finally caving in and reading The Selection by the same author, I feel like I will really like her standalone book. I also heard that she actually published a version of The Siren much earlier than today, but she either republished it and edited it, or something along those lines. Either way, I really want to read it as soon as possible. Another reason why I want to read it is because one of the groups I follow on both Instagram and GoodReads has chosen this book as our February group read, so that's another good reason!

Another new release that I'm really looking forward to is The Last Star by Rick Yancey. This is the final installment to The 5th Wave series and I need to know how the story ends. The first book was amazing and I've been holding off on reading the second book for when the third book comes out so I'm not waiting too long in between them. It may not make sense to some people, but I made that mistake with The Selection series so now I'm dying to know how the series ends but I have to wait until May or even August before the last book comes out. So with this book, I'm going to wait to read the next to last book until the last one comes out! I hope that makes sense a little bit.

So far that's all I'm really looking forward to, but if I think of another one, I will amend my blog post. As always, please feel free to comment your thoughts. Let me know what you are looking forward to, and you may end up jogging my memory on what I'm missing!

1 comment:

  1. I've not been able to get into any of Kiera Cass's stuff. I'm happy your excited for it though! And I read part of The 5th Wave, but didn't finish. I know so many people are excited for that third book. I hope you enjoy them! (And get your copy of The Siren soon!)
